A potent remedy to continuing specialty therapeutics:
Compounded medications continue to be hugely popular among various patient populations worldwide. This could not be more evident in the projections for the compounding pharmacy market, which is slated to become a $14 billion industry come 2026.
With that in mind, one can’t help but ask what exactly do these medicines bring to the table?
Here are some areas a compound pharmacy plays a large part in:
Someone that can not swallow capsules and needs a certain medication made into a liquid for treatment.
Topical formulations are combined together to create a combination cream to treat various skin conditions. Making one cream to apply helps to keep a patient compliant in therapy.
Bioidentical Hormone replacement:
Naturally replacing hormones depleted by the body with Yam-sourced products without soy, lactose, colors, or dyes.
Pain management creams to bypass systemic absorption and put the cream or salve on the area that hurts for relief.
Veterinarians need alteration of most medications specifically by weight for a pet to be accurately dosed to get the treatment they need to recover
Removal of a specific manufactured preservative or lactose is also very common to avoid upset stomach for adverse reactions to a previously prescribed medication.
Specialty pharmacies are extremely important in your community and around the world. Without pharmacists and others in the pharmacy community providing these services, certain medications would not be available to individuals in need.
Bay Life Compounding’s journey over the years has worked hard to be a beacon of trust and availability in our community by offering quality medications held to a higher standard. During that time, we are now able to offer medications across the U.S in multiple states with the same care and service our local neighbors are provided. To learn more about any of our services, check our reviews or submit a question go to baylifecompoundingpharmacy.com
Personalized medications that better cater to patients and doctors:
Modern-day compounded medications can be made readily available upon request. Personalization of medicines paves the way to easier and safer administration since they are made with the patient solely in mind.
Patients and doctors alike get to exercise more control over the flavor, dosage, form, and delivery method of each drug. It unlocks and opens the door to unique treatments and continued compliance.
Always within arm’s reach:
Convenience is one of our specialties! Providers can order compounds with ease with our online provider portal. Contact a staff member for your login info to get started today! This ensures your orders will be started right away for fast and courteous service. Delivery right to the doorstep.
Need to order supplements? Simply order through the Compounding= pharmacy’s online store for fast ordering and delivery right to your home no matter where you live. Visitors may reach out to us via chat or call to discuss their needs conveniently.
Keeps allergic reactions at bay:
Compounded medications may completely remove the presence of unnecessary filler ingredients that can trigger allergies or reactions. Let us take the itch out of your medication and make a clean, pure formula without the aggitant.
Pivotal in various therapeutic areas:
Whether it’s hormone replacement, pediatrics, dermatology, men’s health, weight management, or veterinary, these are but some other subdisciplines where compounding Pharmacy continues to make its mark.
There’s no shortage of options when it comes to what treatments would work best for patients. It’s this versatile quality that allows us to stand apart from traditional pharmacies.
More affordable for plenty of people:
Compounding Pharmacy allows the removal of unnecessary ingredients like preservatives and dyes. This minimalistic approach allows plenty of patients to enjoy greater cost savings as a direct result. Certain costly drug components may be removed altogether leading to more cost savings.
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