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Compounded Hormone Therapies for Pets: What You Need to Know

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Compound Medicine for Pets


Pets and compounded hormone therapy. Is it actually a real thing? Well, yes. While HRT is mostly famous for its efficacy in alleviating menopausal symptoms in humans, it is also applicable to pets. If you’ve been wondering whether a veterinary compounding pharmacy can perform HRT for dogs, among other concerns, you’re in the right place. We’ll shed light on what it is and how it works. Additionally, we’ll tackle safety concerns and other questions that may be swirling in your mind. Let’s get started.

What is HRT for dogs?

HRT for dogs, or Dogosterone therapy, basically entails raising your pet’s testosterone levels. It is a procedure that your veterinarian may describe as a remedy for various issues, particularly in older dogs.

Hormone replacement for dogs may be accomplished via various strategies. Your veterinary compounding pharmacy may offer topical medications like creams and gels. This subcutaneous route of administration is the most popular, and it may be carried out on a weekly basis.

Of course, your pharmacist may suggest more frequent dosing based on the severity of your loved one’s condition.

Why Hormone Replacement Therapy in Dogs is Necessary

 1. Neutering and spaying

Many pet owners choose to neuter or spay their dogs to prevent uncontrolled breeding. By doing so, they essentially take out a key source of testosterone. This hormone is found in both people and animals (male and female) and performs very crucial roles, some of which entail:

  • Maintaining muscle mass
  • Increasing bone density
  • Enabling fertility and so on

After neutering, testosterone levels can greatly fall and with it, so too do muscle mass and bone density. This can lead to pets feeling fatigued and sleeping the whole day. In some severe cases, they may even lack the motivation to get up. This is where hormone therapy replacement for dogs can come in handy.

 2. Skin when we get older

Your pet may also experience hormonal problems regardless of whether they were neutered or not. This can set in due to the natural effects of aging, various biological disorders affecting hormone-producing glands, and genetic predispositions as well.

Overall, you can pick up hormonal imbalance in pets by watching for the following symptoms:

  • Frequent diarrhea
  • Reoccurring vomiting
  • Weakness
  • Overly frequent urination and thirst

If your dog has been acting unusual lately, it may boil down to a hormonal issue. During your HRT consultation, our veterinary compounding pharmacy will perform more extensive testing. Coupled with observed symptoms, this helps to zero in on the actual problem.

Is HRT for dogs safe?

HRT therapy for dogs referred to in some circles as Dogosterone, is largely a safe and painless procedure for your loved one. They should have no problem with the therapy and it’s generally safe to complete for most types of dogs.

Of course, there may be exceptions depending on your pet’s medical history and underlying problems. It’s best to talk things over with a veterinary compounding pharmacy such as Bay Life Pharmacy to evaluate your pet’s unique needs and explore your treatment options.

What are the side effects of HRT for dogs?

Just like how human medication can have side effects on certain people, so too can HRT for dogs. While side effects are very rare, some pets may develop certain complications, particularly in cases of prolonged HRT exposure. These include:

  • Enlarged genitals
  • Inflamed breasts
  • Alopecia or hair loss

That’s not to say that there’s no risk associated with hormone replacement therapy in dogs. While extremely minimal, there is a chance of unintended health outcomes.

The benefits of HRT therapy for dogs

1. Relief for Arthritis

Did you know that over 8 in 10 dogs over 8 years of age have arthritis? This condition can result in pain, inflammation, and stiffness around the joints. Due to the accompanying discomfort that comes with movement, you may notice that your dog has become inactive.

While HRT may not reverse the damage to the joints, it can help to stop the disease’s progress. It can prevent further deterioration while providing relief from its very uncomfortable symptoms. However, if your dog has arthritis, it may not only be a matter of low testosterone. So it’s important to consult with your vet first.

2. Mitigate Hip Dysplasia

Dogs with this condition tend to have an abnormal hip joint. This is a condition particularly commonplace in big dogs although it can affect pets across the board, with other potential causes including:

  • Hereditary factors
  • Nutrition
  • Exercise
  • Excessive tissue growth

HRT can address hormonal imbalances that may be behind hip dysplasia, to help set your loved one on the path to recovery.

3. Improved mobility

We’ve already discussed how testosterone plays a key role in nurturing muscle mass and bone density. It’s therefore easy to understand that by raising testosterone levels, you’ll notice an improvement in mobility.

If your dog has become less agile with age, HRT therapy may get that spring back into their paw. And with improved mobility, so too does your dog’s overall health and quality of life get better as well.

What is the cost of Dogosterone therapy?

The cost of hormone replacement for dogs can vary wildly from one pharmacy to the next. This is because there are just a lot of factors at play that affect the final pricing. More specifically, the cost may vary depending on:

  • The frequency of administration
  • Mode of dosage
  • The type of HRT and so on.

For the most part, it can set you back between $1,650 to $3,200 or more per year. That said, your final expense may fall outside this range. It’s best to talk with your veterinary compounding pharmacy to get a personalized quote.

Turn to Bay Life for your veterinary compounding needs

If you’ve been reading up on hormone replacement for dogs, chances are your loved one has a health issue that you believe may be hormone-related. Well, there’s only one way to know for sure and that’s by seeking professional help. Our veterinary compounding pharmacy is happy to be of assistance. Beyond helping to get to the bottom of the problem, we can also formulate personalized medication for your furry companion. We can even incorporate their favorite flavors to make them more appetizing. For more details and to get your loved one back to their best selves, give us a call right away.

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