Problems related to rectal and colon health are fairly common to most adults, regardless of age. In the US alone, colon cancer is the third most prevalent form of cancer. Moreover, plenty of us tend to suffer from chronic colon-related diseases like Chron’s disease, IBS, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, etc. In most cases, people rely on a Pharmacy and compounding to treat them because, one, they have to do so long-term and, two, it offers undeniable benefits, too. These are but some of the realities people worldwide have to live with when it comes to colon and rectal health. Below, we’ve highlighted the top 8 things that anyone should know about the two.
Having a healthy lifestyle can already go a long way in keeping your colon and rectal health in top shape.
Regular bowel movements ensure that your colon will be free from any build-up of unnecessary waste and toxins. In fact, did you know that there’s a positive correlation between constipation frequency and colorectal cancer? There’s a 48% percent increased risk for the said cancer, to be exact.
By having a high-fiber diet and ensuring you’re properly hydrated, you’re already all set to lower that risk. Do your best to incorporate vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Also, don’t forget to exercise since optimal blood flow is just as important in keeping the gastrointestinal tract in good working condition.
Limit red meat and processed meat consumption as much as possible.
If there’s a specific food group that negatively impacts colon health, it’s meat, and this applies to both the red and processed varieties. Red meat has been found to increase your risk of colon cancer by nearly 30%, while it’s 20% for processed meat.
Mounting evidence from studies conducted from the early 2010s up to the present point to red meat as a possible carcinogen. The IARC classified it as a carcinogen in 2015 after analyzing data from over 800 studies.
Stress management is just as important.
Stress takes a toll on vital processes like digestion and nutrient absorption. Have you ever experienced an episode of gassiness during times of stress and anxiety? That’s a direct sign of its effects.
It can worsen to the point that it causes muscles in the bowel to spasm and become more painful. Stress also affects the movement of food in the bowel, which, in turn, can lead to extreme conditions like constipation and diarrhea.
Most colon and rectal disorders often come with painful symptoms.
So much so that “colon pain” is used as a broad term that encompasses many conditions related to the GI tract. Many of the common complaints and conditions people suffer from include Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, IBS, and colorectal cancer. In all of them, pain is a common denominator.
The same can be said for conditions that affect the rectum area like anal fissures, hemorrhoids, colitis, abscess, and polyps. This is why you should not be surprised if your doctor will prescribe oral or topical (formulated by a compounding pharmacy) pain relievers (such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and aspirin) along with medicines that will treat the problem directly.
Suppositories are the most commonly prescribed and administered dosage form.
This is largely because constipation accompanies many of the common conditions we mentioned before. They’re solely solid in dosage and can be either dispersed or dissolved, so they’re quite versatile, too. Rectal suppositories are also lauded for their overall safety, efficacy, and retention, besides being well tolerated by most patients, especially when treating conditions of the distal colon such as proctitis.
Rectal administration is actually the most practical route to take in most colon-related issues.
Speaking of rectal administration, did you know that there are certain conditions where it undoubtedly becomes a better option instead of the usual oral route? For instance, many doctors actually recommend it when treating localized conditions such as anal fissures, hemorrhoids, inflammation, and even constipation.
Rectal administration leads to better bio-availability of the drug, faster delivery of desired effects (because the drug is transported directly to circulation), and prevention of unwanted side effects and added pain. This is why you shouldn’t be surprised if your doctor recommends you to take the rectal route, especially if oral administration is showing subpar results.
Younger people should be extra cautious of their colorectal cancer risk.
In the news nowadays, don’t be surprised by articles discussing the rising rate of advanced stage colorectal cancer, especially those who are either non-Hispanic Black or Hispanic individuals. The condition that showed the most increase in the studies conducted over the years (particularly 2000 to 2016) is called distant stage colorectal adenocarcinoma.
Individuals involved in the study were in the age range of 20 to 55 years. In fact, many experts are now considering lowering the required time of screening from 50 years old to 45 years old, especially if the person belongs to the said demographic group and are experiencing classic symptoms such as the presence of blood in the stool, unexplained weight loss, and abdominal pain.
Having regular colonoscopies is actually a wise move.
All the more so if you’re well aware that you have a family history of colon cancer and have already had precancerous polyps removed. In such cases, an interval of 3 years should be considered. Some experts even suggest an annual checkup. Nowadays, age is no longer as big a factor, considering the rising number of cases of colon cancer in young adults, even those in their 20s and 30s.
In spite of this, current medical guidelines still recommend that you should get a colonoscopy every 10 years after you’re past 50.Once you hit 60 years of age, the rate should be every 5 years.
Bay Life Compounding Pharmacy:
Given what you’ve learned above, there’s no better time than now to start taking better care of your rectal and colon health. What’s good is that a combination of effective lifestyle, therapeutic, and medical strategies is often already enough to beat even the most serious conditions out there. This includes colon cancer.
Pharmacy and compounding options will always be available to you should your physician decide to take this route. At Bay Life, we make sure to offer not only quality but variety as well in our solutions to rectal and colon problems.
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