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ZRT Neurotransmitters

Are you suffering from Panic Attacks and inability to calm down? Maybe you have insomnia?

Neurotransmitters Testing

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that the nervous system uses to transmit information between nerves. Achieving an optimal balance of neurotransmitters is essential for overall health.
Imbalances can lead to the brain and body becoming over- or under-stimulated, resulting in neurological or psychological symptoms. Neurotransmitter production can be influenced by factors like genetics, environment, chemical exposure, and nutritional deficiencies. When neurotransmitters are out of balance, the nervous system compensates, which over time, can lead to various symptoms.

At Bay Life Compounding Pharmacy,

Your health is our number ONE priority!

Common neurotransmitter-related causes of health issues involve

Why Test for Neurotransmitters?

non renewable

Non Invasive

Non Invasive

It uses a non-invasive sample collection method, such as saliva or dried urine, that can be done at home.

mind map



It includes a comprehensive panel of 14 neurotransmitters and metabolites, which can reveal systemic patterns and underlying causes of imbalances.

hormone therapy

HRT Testing

HRT Testing

It can be combined with hormone testing, which can provide a more accurate assessment of the interactions between the neurological and endocrine systems.


Better Monitoring

Better Monitoring

It can help monitor the effectiveness of treatments, such as supplements, medications, or lifestyle changes, on neurotransmitter levels.

Many common psychological conditions today are associated with neurotransmitter imbalances. Testing can help identify these underlying issues. ZRT is the only lab that provides a 24-hour equivalent assessment through four simple collections, offering a more precise evaluation of individual neurochemistry. Let Bay Life Compounding Pharmacy help you understand your symptoms with the optimum tests and treatments required.