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Veterinary Compounding Services

Does your dog or cat prefer chicken pot pie, bacon or tuna? Maybe your parrot loves something fruity?

Veterinary Compounding Services

Compounding pet medications offer a fantastic option for creating individualized treatment plans with custom dosing schedules tailored to your pet’s specific needs. The alarming increase in the number of prescriptions has led to a higher risk of drug interactions and side effects, making personalized medication plans even more essential.

Let Bay Life help you!

Your pet is family, and taking care of family is your top priority. That’s why Bay Life Compounding Pharmacy provides medicine in convenient dosage forms, great flavours and custom formulations—making it as easy to give as it is to receive. We are committed to enhancing the quality of life for pets and the people who love and care for them.


We source our active ingredients exclusively from vendors who rigorously test and verify each batch. Our suppliers perform multiple checks and analysis on every batch they receive, which in turn ensures us that our patients are receiving the highest quality ingredients. Upon receiving chemical ingredients from our suppliers, certificates of analysis are reviewed, verified, and recorded in our database.


Our personalized approach to customized medications truly sets us apart from other pharmacies. Our dedicated customer service team ensures that both medical providers and patients receive the highest quality service possible. Get to know our team and discover why exceptional customer service is a hallmark of our pharmacy.


We use the highest quality chemicals and products available, sourced only right here in the usa. We follow all usp guidelines according to quality control as part of our quality assurance. We use state of the art tools to ensure you get the highest quality compound every time. Our products are 3rd party tested for stability and accuracy of active material.

These are popular medications we currently compound daily for veterinary use:

