Are your allergies not letting up without medical intervention? In a perfect world, medicine shouldn’t have to be necessary to deal with the persistent discomfort brought by allergies. However, allergy facts and figures worldwide serve as glaring evidence that antihistamines and nose sprays are usually necessary to keep them at bay.
Other solutions like prevention through food allergy testing kits and being wary of food and drink intake remain viable. However, doctors would almost always rely on allergy medicine if these measures prove to be inadequate.
That being said, it’s only right for you to inform yourself about anything you take which has purported therapeutic benefits. We’ve outlined all the vital information you need to know about allergy medicine here.
Antihistamines remain the number one medicine for allergies.
As their name implies, these OTC drugs counter the histamines produced by the body. Histamines are primarily responsible for plenty of common symptoms experienced by people. Antihistamines are preferred for the relatively quick relief (at least, in most cases) they can impart to anyone experiencing itchiness, a runny nose, or congestion.
They typically cause drowsiness but there are now alternatives, particularly those that belong in newer generations, that make sleepiness less likely to occur after intake. Moreover, plenty of non-sedating varieties are safe for long-term use. Most people have a good tolerance for these types of drugs, and they don’t negatively affect the body’s immune system in any way.
With that said rare cases when an acute liver injury is experienced. It may also interact with certain blood pressure medications.
There are natural antihistamines found in some food sources:
Studies on substances and antioxidants like quercetin and bromelain show that they can be potent remedies for allergy symptoms. Quercetin can be acquired from numerous types of produce while bromelain is replete in pineapples. Both are available in supplement form.
They may not be able to deliver the same results as conventional antihistamines nor can they relieve all symptoms, but their effects, more or less, contribute to relief to a certain degree. At least, the studies conducted on them prove as much.
Certain first-generation antihistamines aren’t recommended for seniors.
Most drugs that belong in this category may cause drowsiness, after all, even if they claim to be non-drowsy. Since falls are also a prevalent risk among people in this age group, most doctors refrain from prescribing these antihistamines to them. Antihistamines that fall under this category include doxylamine, diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine, and clemastine, to cite a few.
Cetirizine, fexofenadine, and loratadine maintain their reputations for safety, which is why they’re the recommended options for not only seniors but children as well. Incidentally, all belong in the second-generation category of antihistamines.
Most drugs that belong in this category may cause drowsiness, after all, even if they claim to be non-drowsy. Since falls are also a prevalent risk among people in this age group, most doctors refrain from prescribing these antihistamines to them. Antihistamines that fall under this category include doxylamine, diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine, and clemastine, to cite a few.
Cetirizine, fexofenadine, and loratadine maintain their reputations for safety, which is why they’re the recommended options for not only seniors but children as well. Incidentally, all belong in the second-generation category of antihistamines.
There are two ways food allergy testing is done:
Many patients reap benefits from testing for food allergies. For one, it allows them to easily narrow down the list of food that they can safely consume daily. An allergy sensitivity test can be done either via a blood test or a skin prick test.
Do take note that these tests aren’t that reliable at times due to the relatively average accuracy rate of only 80%. Some are even slightly lower than that. Even so, the Oral Food Challenge has been deemed to be the most accurate out of all available options at present. It involves actually intake of the suspected food, after which the patient would be closely monitored for reactions. The food will “pass the test” if the person tolerates a complete serving without any adverse events.
Nasal sprays and decongestant sprays may be enough for some cases:
After all, in most people, as long as the offending substance triggering the reaction has been removed, most symptoms subside before long. Nasal allergies that cause itching and congestion can be quickly relieved by anti-inflammatory sprays. Even mild saline nose sprays prove to be enough sometimes. In some cases, you may still need to use antihistamines to get complete relief, though.
Do take note that if you’re going to use nasal corticosteroids, be sure to apply them correctly. Doing so will only mitigate the risk of side effects. For proper administration, doctors advise that patients refrain from spraying directly at the middle of the nose.
Not all allergy medications are available over the counter:
Prescription antihistamines like some nasal corticosteroids or montelukast may cause serious side effects like an infection, after all, or even an allergic reaction to the actual drug. In the same way that you should be vigilant about any kind of medicine you’re taking, you should also be aware of its effects on you. An allergy medicine test could prove to be beneficial in this regard, especially if you plan to take a certain medication for a long time. That being said, drug allergy rates worldwide remain uncommon, especially when compared to other allergy triggers like food and pollen. Still, anyone can get an allergic reaction to any drug, so it doesn’t hurt to be extra vigilant, especially if you’ve already gotten a reaction before. Drug reactions tend to be the main cause of anaphylaxis in patients, after all. Also, take note that some symptoms don’t necessarily appear the same day you took the medication.
Allergy medicine can save your life:
These medicines may not completely cure your allergies, but they can definitely save people’s lives. There’s no shortage of cases where serious allergic reactions (anaphylactic shocks being the best example) were alleviated by timely administration of the right medications, sometimes in combination with antihistamines. Most doctors even rely on autoinjectors that instantly deliver doses of epinephrine to take care of extremely dangerous reactions. At Bay Life Compounding Pharmacy, we offer allergy medicines that can be tailored to a specific patient’s needs, using unnecessary ingredients like dyes and preservatives. This way, we ensure that you won’t suffer from allergic reactions that medications, OTC or prescribed, might cause. Since they’re customized specially for you, compounded medications tend to have higher efficacy in relieving symptoms and will always be available upon request.
Bay Life Compounding Pharmacy:
Having complete knowledge about any medicine you’re taking not only allows you to make life-saving decisions but helps you to decide which specific medication is ideal for you, too. On the whole, many doctors deem allergy medicine as reliable because of its safety and relatively high efficacy rate. It’s definitely not a stretch to say that they’re nothing short of an invaluable gift by medical science to humankind.
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