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Personalized Erectile Dysfunction Treatment: Why Prescribers Should Choose Compounded Medications

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  • Personalized Erectile Dysfunction Treatment: Why Prescribers Should Choose Compounded Medications
Personalized ED Treatment

Still recommending over-the-counter (OTC) ED drugs for your patients? This is not a great way to do it. The problem with OTC medications is that they ignore the root cause of the issue. Instead, they are a Hail Mary solution that hopes to solve ED by casting a wider net over the issue. It is for this reason that you should consider compounded medications over traditional ED treatment solutions. If you’re looking to find out what they offer over conventional drugs, you’ve come to the right place for answers.

The Failings of Traditional Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

1. Ignoring the underlying condition

The truth of the matter is that ED can be caused by a variety of things. Some of the most common causes include underlying conditions such as:

  • High cholesterol
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Hormonal abnormalities such as low testosterone

Traditional ED solutions may serve to increase blood flow to the penis but they may ignore the root cause of erectile dysfunctions. This creates very short-term fixes for your patients that result in recurring cases of ED because the real problem hasn’t been addressed.

2. Huge Side Effects

Conventional ED medications are generic. This means that they may also be overpowered, with regard to the dosage amount that your patient actually needs. With this overconcentration, comes the increased severity of side effects such as:

  • Vision changes like blurry eyesight
  • Dizziness and fainting
  • Flushes or temporary redness of the skin
  • Runny nose and congestion

In severe cases and, in the wrong dosage amounts, ED drugs can even be life-threatening. They may increase the risk of a stroke or heart attack, which can be fatal.

3. Low Drug Efficacy

Drug efficacy refers to the ability of a drug to deliver a beneficial outcome. With the generic dose levels of ED solutions in the market, underdosing can occur. This is a situation where the dose isn’t strong enough to treat or improve the condition, that is erectile dysfunction in this case.

As a result, generic ED medication greatly increases the risk of treatment failure. This is down to the increased probability of not just underdosing but also overdosing as well.

The Benefits of Compounded ED meds over OTC Drugs

So HRT can be expensive, and the worst part is that it may not even be covered by insurance. Based in Clearwater, Florida, our pharmacy can help turn this around. Through our strategies and effective compounding solutions we can help lower the overall cost of HRT. Here’s how:

1. Personalized Care

Prescribing an OTC erectile dysfunction drug to patients is essentially like telling your patients to buy medicine made for the general public. The problem with this is that the pharmaceutical company made the drug for the general patient profile.

So they don’t take into account your patient’s unique:

  • Preferences
  • Lifestyle
  • Age
  • Weight and more

Bay Life Pharmacy in Clearwater, Florida, however, changes this. We consider your patients’ unique factors and preferences, in order to create a personalized ED medication meant just for their unique needs, be that a different lifestyle or health goals.

2. Improved Efficacy

We offer customized dosages, unlike standard prescription meds that are meant for the general masses. Our compounded meds are made by considering the root cause of erectile dysfunction, be it an underlying condition like hormonal imbalances.

In doing so, your patients get more potent drug dosages that improve treatment efficacy. So, in other words, compounding improves the success rates of the ED treatment solutions you offer to patients.

3. Fewer Side Effects

By customizing dosage levels, we can also ensure that the medication meets the exact needs of your patient. It won’t be too low to decrease effectiveness or too high to cause poor tolerance. We’ll strike the perfect balance that ensures a fast-acting solution with fewer side effects.

In addition, we can also take out allergens in conventional OTC medications to further reduce the risk of side effects. While this doesn’t mean that the customized treatment won’t have any side effects, the chances are certainly very low. What’s more, we also make changes to the treatment plan to avert any side effects that arise during the process.

4. Excellent Cost-Effectiveness

Truth be told, customized erectile dysfunction medication may be more expensive than OTC meds. However, if you take into account the bigger picture, it can also save your patients more money than traditional ED drugs in the long run.

For example, compounded meds deliver a higher efficacy rate. This means an accelerated recovery window for patients, meaning that they’ll need to buy fewer drugs in the long run. Additionally, compounding can also address other underlying medical conditions for the price of just one treatment.

5. Lower Risk of Contraindications

What is contraindication? This a condition where one drug affects the working of the other. It’s a scenario that may play out when your patients are taking ED medications with drugs for treating other underlying conditions.

Compounding solves this issue by customizing your treatment plan to take out ingredients that may react adversely with another drug the patient is taking. This improves desirable outcomes and also helps to avoid potentially fatal drug interactions as well.

Get Compounded Meds at Bay Life Pharmacy

Better health outcomes, greater cost-effectiveness, and improved quality of life. These are some of the many benefits that come with prescribing compounded ED medications to your patients. If you’re still on the fence about whether they may be the right fit for your patients, give us a call so that we can discuss your concerns. On the other hand, if you’re ready to kickstart your ED compounding pharmacy partnership with us, we’re happy to be of service. Give us a call so that we can get started.

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